pretty girl who ended the


my angels

Hiya! I'm Harley! You can call me that or any other kin name! I use she/her + they/them pronouns
I'm pansexual/panromantic w a lil bit of a preference for boys
My MBTI type is ENTP
I'm a cancer but let's be real I'm a gemini at heart
My Mental Stuff includes:
Chronic Depression
+ one other tht has only been and only will be disclosed to highly trusted and close friends
I'm taken by my lovely devilish angel of a boyfriend whose name is Kyle!
I have two qpps, Jayc + Monaca
Come back Monaca....
I'm Big Tiddy Clown GF!!

before you follow

✭I love Jarley! I don't post abt it much these days but it's important 2 me nonetheless. I love to analyze each of us and our relationship + interactions. I gather and read all the content I can find. If you want to follow me please have an open mind and please be willing to try a new perspective! I do recognize the abuse therein. Do not think for a second that I support abuse and do not try to accuse me of that.
✭Kin shit is very very important to me! I talk abt it a lot! so uh buckle up! dfi if tht will annoy u
✭I practice witchcraft
✭I love to draw
✭I love clowns very much
✭I get angry and might post mean/violent things - I will tag it if it's bad enough but don't follow if this will upset you
✭I am kind of a bad person and I post invalidation about doubles - do NOT follow if this will bother you and/or you'll start shit because of it
✭I actively smoke weed and get high - I will be tagging it
✭I love talking to mutuals! Pls DM me!
✭I'm not going to tag PDA


don't follow if

✭You are a double of my main IDs
✭You are afraid of clowns
✭You hate Jarley
✭You ship batjokes
✭You are here to screenshot and spy
✭You believing kinning outside your race is racist/it's impossible to have been reborn with a different race than your current one
✭You are a cishet ace/aro inclusionist
✭You are mormon
✭You are anti-self dx (when proper, educated, and thorough research is done, including input from a collection of others)
✭You are factkin / hamilkin / eddsworldkin / youtuberkin


you're done! thts all! thank u 4 reading! send me "the enemy's gate is down" in order 2 b accepted!

start ova!!!

My Boyfriend!!!

I FUCKING LOVE MY BOYFRIEND we've been dating for 1 year n 4 months, n i adore him w all of my soul. ive been living w him for 6 months now as well just 2 give u some background :•}

sum of his kinz!

important ppl!!!

dfi if u dislike them( ̄ε ̄ʃƪ)
n yes they kin as the correlating characters